Wimdu Clone Scripts


Find your perfect place to stay! Or list your own space and earn money for your next trip away.

Bnb Clone Script

Bnb Clone Script

bnbclone.com|Wimdu,Reservation & Booking,Airbnb|PHP|Commercial|1962 views

Setup your own Online Booking website that allows people to book any kind of services you wish. BnbClone is a Peer to Peer - Vacation Rental / Booking Script designed to create new businesses and help our customers generate whole new revenue streams. We created one of the m...



Airhotels allows you to build a rental accommodation website. Using this subletting accommodation software, your customers can quickly browse, choose, book and pay for their stay.



Cogzidel Technologies|Airbnb,Wimdu|PHP|Commercial|1603 views

this new drift prompted Cogzidel to develop "Rental Accommodation Software" to allow travelers to directly transact with service providers. Using this powerful platform, you can get service providers to create an online account and post listings on their available accommodatio...



Agriya|Airbnb,Wimdu|PHP|Commercial|743 views

Agriya's Burrow, which is like an AirBNB clone script. Build your own vacation rentals or person to person website base on this script, you can be part of this disruption and directly connect people who will share their spare room or couch to people looking for a cheap or uniq...

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