AdBrite Clone Scripts


AdBrite, Inc. is an online advertising network, based in San Francisco, California, which was founded by Philip J. Kaplan and Gidon Wise in 2002. Originally founded as, the site was relaunched as AdBrite in 2004 and now serves advertisements on hundreds of thousands of sites, according to their published statistics. AdBrite is the 10th largest advertising network on the Internet according to comScore, while the Attributor survey ranked AdBrite as the 6th largest ad server in 2008 with a 2% share of the market. AdBrite is backed by Sequoia Capital, Mitsui, and DAG Ventures.

XYZ Admarket

XYZ Admarket

XYZ Admarket is a simple and feature rich PHP + MySQL based script which provides you a platform to launch an advertiser-publisher network site like Google AdWords/AdSense, Bidvertiser, Media Net etc. It supports Pay-Per-Click (PPC) text and banner formats for advertisers as w...

Inout Adserver

Inout Adserver

Nesote Technologies|AdBrite,AdSense,BuySellAds|PHP|Commercial|1341 views

Inout Adserver is powerful, feature rich, fully customizable PayPerClick advertiser/publisher networking script from Advertisers can register with the adserver and post their text/ banner/catalog PayPerClick(PPC) ads.


idev-TextAds|AdBrite,AdSense,BuySellAds|PHP|Commercial|521 views

With TextAds, it is easy to sell Adwords-like text advertisement spots on your website. Integrated with Paypal subscription billing, TextAds is fully automated and hands-free. Your advertisers will be able to register for an account & place their own ad quickly and easily.

inClick Ad Server

inClick Ad Server

inMotion Group|AdBrite,AdSense,BuySellAds|PHP|Commercial|991 views

The only AD serving platform specifically designed to grow with your business.the inClick Ad Server has been, and continues to be, proudly designed, engineered, and supported in America. By eliminating language and cultural barriers.

BuySellAds Script

BuySellAds Script

Efrahm Inc|AdBrite,AdSense,BuySellAds|PHP|Commercial|1889 views

BuySellAds Script help you cut the middleman out and earn more money with your ads on your website. Start selling ads spaces on your site and other websites too. Get a system that feels looks and acts like you spent thousands of dollars for designers and your programmers.


AdQuick|AdBrite,AdSense,BuySellAds|PHP|Commercial|1232 views

AdQuick allows you to run your own ad network similar to websites such as,, and AdQuick will allow you to bring together advertisers and publishers, and you the script owner will take a cut from every ad sold through your adb...

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